I/We the undersigned give GOGO Loans Inc., its employees and agents and its affiliate (Canadalend Inc.), the authorization to check and review my/our credit history using the personal information I/We have provided. GOGO Loans Inc., Canadalend Inc. and their employees and agents are authorized to obtain any information that may require from other sources (including, for example, credit bureau) and each source is hereby authorized to provide them with such information. This authorization is valid until further verbal or written notice from me.
I/We also understand that the information given in the loan application form as well as other information obtained in relation to my credit history may be disclosed to potential lenders, financial intermediary, insurers, organizations providing technological or other support services required for this application and any other parties with whom I/We propose to have a financial relationship.
The undersigned acknowledge that GOGO Loans Inc., Canadalend Inc. and their employees or agents have not made any representations as to whether or not credit will be granted and that this authorization and the acting in accordance therewith does not create any liability on their part in any manner or for any reason whatsoever.